Open Knowledge Belgium

#ddays14, not just a conference hashtag

Pieter-Jan Pauwels

(If TL;DR: Share the Belgian data you want to see Open with us on Twitter through #ddays14)

Most of you who’ve read this blog know about the OpenBelgium event we’re organising during the DataDays conference. And you might already know that we’re communicating about the event and the different sessions through the Twitter hashtag #ddays14. Now is time to give this hashtag an extra feature.

Earlier today @Somoth mentioned on Twitter:

@openOV @pietercolpaert @openbelgium Belgie moet wel weten dat SNCB/NMBS data hoog op mijn verlanglijstje voor mijn verjaardag staat

— Somoht (@somoht) January 22, 2014

Or roughly translated:

@openOV @pietercolpaert @openbelgium, Belgium needs to know that SNCB/NMBS data stands very high on my birthday list

And he’s right to express that wish. There are lots of developers, citizens, data wranglers and enthousiasts who all have their Open Data wishlists. Even we could think of a few datasets we would love to use. So let’s start using #ddays14 to let us know which Belgian data you need or want to be Open to create your ultimate application. Now you might think: “Thanks OpenBelgium, that’s great but what the point of me talking about data that i want to see open on Twitter? How will that help me get it in the near future?”

Well, you’re right. We don’t just want to open the conversation on this matter, we want to do something with it as well. That’s why the break-out session of Mathias Van Compernolle will be dedicated to Open Data Most Wanted. In this sessions he’ll be discussing with the attendees on how we can open up more valuable data in Belgium and which of it should be prioritised. So if you want your data wishes to be added to that list, or have your opinion as a starting point for his session. Afterwards we’ll use that list to pinpoint what sort of Open Data is still missing and set it into a plan of action. So it’s important to start talking about about your Open Data dreams… now.

Because #ddays14 isn’t just a hashtag for a three day conference, it’s a hashtag to start the conversation.
And if you are in town on the 17th of February and want to join Mathias and the other participants during OpenBelgium, you’re still very welcome. Just head over to to register or apply for a bursary on (deadline 31st of January).

Interesting links:

Inventory of data sources of the Flemish Government:

All datasets that should be released by the Flemish government:

Image source: Wikimedia


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1000 Brussels
BE 0845 419 930

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