Open Knowledge Belgium

#ddays14 Apps for Europe Business Lounge

Pieter-Jan Pauwels

We’ve truly been inspired by the contestants during the Apps for Europe business lounge during the Data Days Conference. We had 5 participants with a solid business case and eventually we had a tie between Carambla en Both will present their cases during the International Business Lounge in Manchester later this month. Thank you all for participating and sharing your business case. Here is the storify and the pictures for those who want to recapture the event.

[View the story “#ddays14 Apps for Europe Business Lounge” on Storify]

Apps for EuropeApps for EuropeApps for EuropeApps for Europeddays Apps for EU Business Loungeddays Apps for EU Business Lounge
ddays Apps for EU Business Loungeddays Apps for EU Business Loungeddays Apps for EU Business Loungeddays Apps for EU Business Loungeddays Apps for EU Business Loungeddays Apps for EU Business Lounge
ddays Apps for EU Business Loungeddays Apps for EU Business Loungeddays Apps for EU Business Loungeddays Apps for EU Business Loungeddays Apps for EU Business Loungeddays Apps for EU Business Lounge
ddays Apps for EU Business Loungeddays Apps for EU Business Loungeddays Apps for EU Business Loungeddays Apps for EU Business Loungeddays Apps for EU Business Loungeddays Apps for EU Business Lounge

Apps4EU Businesslounge ddays14, a set on Flickr.


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